Help Protect your family and finances with research that’s led to an 88% win rate over the last 10 years

Jim Rickards

Jim Rickards here.

The moment this trading AI is switched on, it will shake the world to its core…

ChatGPT says:

“Stock prices will plummet…”

“Investor panic will spread…”

And “Losses will be widespread…”

If you’re here then you’re already more prepared than 99% of Americans for what’s coming as soon as April 11th…

Because the minute JP Morgan launches their new trading AI…

We could suffer a new kind of market crash so powerful not even your checking and savings accounts are safe.

Millions of Americans will wake up one cloudy morning to discover their retirement savings decimated…

You’ll watch as your neighbors struggle to re-enter the job market during an economic depression…

Or rely entirely on social security, food stamps, and charity.

But if you’re here, you’re already one giant leap ahead of the game.

Because for every downside, there’s opportunity…

For every heads, there’s a tails.

That’s why I’ve prepared my family and friends with information to not only help protect their hard-earned money…

But potentially grow it at the same time — even during the biggest economic upset of our lifetimes.

Over the past 10 years, 88% of my recommended stock trades have closed with a profit.

That means almost 9 out of 10 trades made money for a decade straight…

Even during the COVID crash.

And with the A.I. Doom Loop fast approaching, pairing profit with protection is critical.

Because for every AI trader brought into existence, we take one step closer to economic annihilation…

JPMorgan Chase already launched an AI called IndexGPT…

Citigroup is hiring 2,500 AI experts to work in their trading department…

Morgan Stanley is creating its trading research AI with the help of OpenAI…

Deutsche Bank is partnering with NVIDIA to deploy a trading AI…

And Goldman Sachs is rushing to develop a full DOZEN AI systems…

Wall Street’s AI revolution is already in motion…

Which means the AI Doom Loop could crash the market by 40% as early as next month…

Or even next week.

There’s no way to know when it will activate.

But there is a way to help prepare… protect… and even profit.

That’s why I wrote MoneyGPT.

Inside you’ll find actionable secrets like:

Like my father who fought in World War II, I’m fighting to protect the American people…

Not on the battlefield, but on Wall Street…

That’s why I’m sending copies of MoneyGPT to the executives of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and Deutsche Bank…

But today, when you claim your copy, I’ll include hidden chapters not even the most powerful Wall Street executive will ever see…


Hidden Chapter 1: Thriving in Chaos

Hidden Chapter: Thriving in Chaos

The exact plan I’m following to navigate the AI Doom Loop including the #1 investment to own ahead of any crash.

Even though you can activate this investment in any basic brokerage account…

It’s not a stock, bond or option…


Hidden Chapter 2: The Perfect Gold Portfolio

Hidden Chapter: The Perfect Gold Portfolio

Buying gold seems simple on the surface, but when it comes to choosing the right vendor, format or quantities, a slight misstep can make your precious metals entirely useless, even dangerous in a scenario where you’d need to actually sell or barter it. The truth is buying precious metals is complicated, and it’s easy to waste tens of thousands of dollars.

Fortunately, the strategies I use to buy gold and silver are relatively simple… and competitively priced.

That's why I've put together a complete guide to answer all of these questions in Hidden Chapter 2: The Perfect Gold Portfolio.

This chapter shows you exactly how I buy gold for myself, along with a road map for buying physical gold no matter if you decide to invest $10,000 or $1 million.

Hidden Chapter 3: The Curious “DV01 Strategy” — Double Digits in Dark Times

Hidden Chapter: The Curious “DV01 Strategy” — Double Digits in Dark Times

Even though you can buy this strange investment asset through a normal brokerage account, it’s not a stock, bond or option…

It’s not precious metal, real estate, crypto or even artwork…

You may not have heard of this asset today…

But you’ll likely invest heavily into it after reading Hidden Chapter 3…

Because it offers the opportunity for massive gains during the coming AI Doom Loop.

In the 2008 crash, this asset doubled investor’s money in a short time frame…

And even though there is always risk, I truly believe for the coming AI crash, this asset is simply unbeatable.

Hidden Chapter 4: Washington’s Secret “SIFI Investor’s Insurance Program”

Hidden Chapter: Washington’s Secret 'SIFI Investor's Insurance Program'

There’s a government program my brother used during the 2008 housing crash to not only protect his money, but walk away with a huge return when this “insurance policy” triggered over the long term.

I’ve tried it myself to some success, and in Hidden Chapter 4 I’ll show you exactly what this insurance program is…

And how easy it is for legal American citizens to “enroll”...

When you order my book today, you’ll also get:

Intelligence Assets like my Urgent Intelligence Briefing

I normally charge $25,000 to speak at events in Dubai, Boca Raton and Sun Valley…

But by joining me today, you’ll get full access to my live intelligence briefings from the palm of your hand.

I show you up to the minute intel on the latest AI updates and estimates…

Potential market responses, government responses, and our best courses of action to each scenario…

Along with the same geopolitical analysis I provide as a former consultant to the CIA, White House and the Pentagon.

All this… plus the crown jewel of my research…

All 4 hidden chapters… my Urgent Intelligence Briefing, and a physical copy MoneyGPT are yours today when you join me in my investment research newsletter: Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence.

If that sounds like a catch, you’re in for a pleasant surprise…

Because Strategic Intelligence is my flagship investment research.

I believe the AI Doom Loop is fast approaching — perhaps earlier than April 11th. Millions of unprepared Americans will be wiped out.

To help you navigate the calamity, I’ve used my experience as the best-selling author of Currency Wars and The Death of Money, lawyer, economist and former CIA asset to launch a new type of financial intelligence newsletter…

One that will help you and everyday Americans foresee the nearing AI Doom Loop so you can help protect and even grow your wealth.

Intelligence communities are characterized by privileged access to sensitive information…

When you join my Strategic Intelligence community, you become an elite member privy to the most exclusive financial market research available today. I’ll act as your eyes and ears with my long list of contacts in foreign and domestic governments, central banks, national intelligence communities, Wall Street and K street.

That way, you’ll be able to make informed investment decisions based on information other investors may take months — even years to learn about.

My mission is to help everyday Americans, like you, cut through the deception you’re being fed by political figures… to avoid the AI Doom Loop that’s coming… and to never suffer through the kind of hardship other Americans will experience.

Until now, I’ve only provided this kind of ongoing intelligence service to my high net-worth clients and members of the U.S. intelligence community. But now, because of the extreme threat presented by the AI Doom Loop, I’m making Strategic Intelligence available to you.

Every month you’ll get anywhere between 2 and 4 of my handpicked trades, including “on-the-ground” research by my team of professional analysts and award-winning editors.

You’ll also get:

Of course, my Baltimore based customer service team is ready to answer any of your questions immediately.

I’ve Never Given So Much For So Little

Right now on our website you can buy a subscription to Strategic Intelligence for $299.

But because the AI Doom Loop could launch as soon as April 11th, I want to help Americans prepare before we experience a financial crisis like no other.

So I’ve decided to lower the price of Strategic Intelligence

Plus ALL the bonuses you’ll get today…

Instead of charging you the normal $299 fee…

You’ll get everything today for only $49.

That’s a 83% discount — but only if you act now.

Three months from now, America could change like it did after 9/11… and like it changed during the covid pandemic.

I want to help my fellow Americans grow rich by taking full advantage of this final transfer of wealth…

That’s why I’m going to make this decision even easier.

On top of your 83% discount, I’m also going to give you the best money-back guarantee you’ll ever see.

satisfaction guarantee
Jim Rickards Jim Rickards signature

Jim Rickards
Jim Rickards' Strategic Intelligence

If you’re not happy for ANY REASON — my team will give you a full money-back guarantee for up to 180 days.

No fine print — no conditions — no BS.

If you join me today, invest in the 3 stocks I’m giving you, make a profit … and then 364 days later – with just 1 day left in your service, decide to ask for your money back…

My team will still honor your guarantee.

Simply call our number, talk to our Maryland-based customer service team, and we’ll instantly send you back every penny.

Obviously this money-back guarantee isn’t fair for me…

But I want to make sure nothing is holding you back from making the right decision today.

Because as early as April 11th when the AI Doom Loop is unleashed on this world…

And you're watching how your neighbors and friends react to their life savings getting cut in half…

I want you to be prepared like I am.

Not just by protecting your hard-earned money…

But also setting yourself up for the chance to grow your wealth with the strategy that's produced an 88% win-rate over the last 10 years.

When the Doom Loop arrives, a steady source of income could make all the difference.

So join me right now while there’s still time to prepare.

You’ll get instant access to my flagship investment research: Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence…

And my team will send your hard cover copy of MoneyGPT along with all your Hidden Chapters and bonus reports to you immediately.

Join me now and I’ll show you how to get in on the $15.7 Trillion global wealth transfer by 2030.

Time is running out.

I’ll see you in the membership area.

Jim Rickards signature

Jim Rickards
Editor, Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence
October 2024

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